Welcome to The FertileHearted Human Community.
This new platform hopes to be one more way I intend to dive deeper into two subjects I’ve been obsessing about much of my life.
What makes us fertile in every sense of that word?
How do we birth a human type that wishes no harm?
We’ll come together through live Zoom Circles working with tools I developed in the baby-making world and through conversations with teachers whose work encourages a more aware, life-sustaining approach to playing the human game.
Thank you again for joining me. I'm excited to see what we get to conceive together.
About Me:
For the last 25 years fertility activism has been a calling that gave birth to two books, Inconceivable (20th Anniversary Edition Random House) The Fertile Female (Adell Press 2007) and a global community of caring and sharing aka fertileheart.com.
With FertileHeartedHuman.com and this newsletter I hope to answer a second calling, applying the lessons of my fertility work to birthing a more life-friendly earth community.